I wrote a month ago about how God has miraculously provided for this adoption so far. Go back and read that one if you haven't yet . . . God has done some truly amazing things to bring Easton home (an adoption grant and being given a van, just to name a few!).
But evidently God just wasn't done! He has been on a roll in the Provision Category this last month and we've again just been blown away.
First of all, our computer monitor died a few weeks ago. Chad takes his laptop with him to work so that left me high and dry, which so doesn't work for me! No funds to buy a new one means you do the next logical thing . . . ask on Facebook if anyone has one to sell cheap or give away (one moment where I love technology!). Right way Chad's sister texted that her hubby had one he wasn't using that we could have. I know this is small, but to us it was just another reminder that He will meet our EVERY need (or want . . . never going to say it was really a need).
Then two weeks ago, we got an incredibly generous and sacrificial gift from some friends at church. They gave Chad an envelope that said "Open Later" on it, which we of course opened immediately. We happened to be teaching the 1st-3rd grade Sunday School class that week so the kiddos were utterly confused as to why we had tears streaming because of Paul's second missionary journey. :)
To top it all off, we got the craziest surprise on Saturday night (the teaser I gave on facebook).
Ava's birthday is coming up and the grandparents had been asking about ideas for prizes. I always try to think of experience based prizes rather than just a bunch of random toys to add to the chaos. Chad and I started talking about the idea of going in with the grandparents for Ava's birthday, Grayson's birthday, and Christmas for both of them and getting a swing set for the backyard. They love to be outside and this would make it even better. I was thinking that it could also be a lifesaver when Easton comes home and is needing extra attention.
I was sold on the idea and then I started looking at actual prices . . . yikes! We quickly decided that buying a set from Lowe's was out. Chad started talking about building one himself until we learned what the price tag on that would be.
So . . . Craigslist it is! I only searched for a few days and then found the perfect one. I emailed the owner and we made plans for us to come see it on Saturday night. He was selling it for $450, but it looked from the picture like it was in really good condition. We chatted with the grandparents and went to their house ready to buy it if it was really as great as it looked.
It wasn't as great as we'd hoped . . . it was better! This man built it 10 years ago for his two young sons and he did it right. He used treated lumber and bought commercial grade accessories (seriously the slide looks like no one has ever been on it). It needs new swings, but other than that it is amazing! The kids were immediately climbing all over it and Chad was giving me that look that said "Keep cool, but this is flippin incredible and we are definitely going to own it."
I went inside with the wife and we chatted while the men negotiated outside. It was so neat to be able to share with her about our adoption and how this swing set would be a blessing to our family for years to come! The men finally came inside and I reached in my purse to get out the checkbook when Chad said these words . . .
He's made us a deal. We have to buy new swings, but they want to give the swing set to us.
What was that? My jaw dropped and tears once again were streaming. I couldn't believe it. We don't even know these people and they are going from $450 to $0!
When they were outside, the man explained to Chad that they had offered to give it away to several of their friends, but no one wanted it (They crazy!). And until us, all he had gotten from Craigslist was people asking if they could have it for free. He just really wanted to know that it was going to a family who had kids who would enjoy it as much as his boys have for the last 10 years. We clearly fit that bill!
So he proposed that deal, which Chad said left him speechless. Chad again offered to buy it, but the man insisted that they really wanted to give it to us, especially after seeing our kids and hearing about our adoption.
Mind. Blown. We (okay, I) cried in their kitchen and tried our best to put into words what an incredible gift they were giving our family. Meanwhile I look over and Ava is jumping up and down on their couch. I could have died. She doesn't even do that at our house. It might have had something to do with our dinner at IHOP before we got there. She got a little too excited about all the different flavor syrups and just had to try them all. Note to self: never do that again. :)
Needless to say, we got in the car and praised God for His incredible gifts. This was most definitely not a need. He was just blessing us like a Father loves to do for His children.
I can't wait to have it all set up (it will be a beast to take apart, transport, and set up . . . sorry Daddy!) and see the kids having a ball! It will also be amazing for our Life Group on Monday nights because we have
So there you go. More ways that God is taking care of us and providing in ways that only He can get the credit. Thank you Father!